This is our kids first thing Easter Morning. They still have that, I just woke up, look on their faces. We had just gotten back the night before from the Discovery Museum so they all woke up pretty tired and surprised that the Easter Bunny came becuase we hadn't even set out our baskets or anything. And this year the Easter Bunny only hide our real eggs that we had colored. Katelin was a little upset by the fact that we had forgotten to take our zillions of plastic eggs out of the storage bin and the Easter Bunny didn't know where to find them. So next year we better be more prepared for when he comes. Katelin was so excited though becuase she finally got a Tomagatchi. Jacob got a new game for his DS and Ella got some pretty new panties. Yes, we are trying to give her the idea "again" that it really is O.K. to go in the toilet.